Today is my daughters' last day of school, so of course I was up late last night making a gift for their teacher. I decided on Monday that I would make an apron for her, so I purchased the fabric on Monday. Yesterday at lunch, I went to the bookstore to pick up
In Stitches by Amy Butler so I could make the Short Pleated Apron.
After work, I went to the gym and then had dinner - I finally started on the apron at 8:00. I think I got to bed around 12:30, but it was finished...luckily there was a CSI marathon on TV last night to watch while I worked (I love CSI!).
Since I was only using one fabric (a border print twill that called to me), I had to make a few adjustments, but I think the finished product is cute. I hope she likes it. She is a great, and very caring, teacher.
I'll post pictures, and a review, later..